Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a rapidly increasing global threat to human and animal health. AMR genes enable bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics used to treat human and animal infections. In West Africa, controlling the occurrence and transmission of AMR is challenging due socioeconomic constraints, lack of expertise, and inadequate facilities to educate the experts. Through SEBA, we strengthen the human and technical capacities of our partner universities so that they can provide high-quality education and train future experts in AMR management. Specifically, the project builds capacity to survey, characterize and control the spread of AMR in Benin and Burkina Faso.
broad and in-depth hands-on training in eg. molecular biology techniques, bioinformatic analysis of sequence data and interaction with stakeholders equip graduates with the skills to fully contribute in global AMR activities using the English language.
two cross-cutting principals are :
In 2022-2023 the
Advanced training programme has been piloted for 10 Beninese and
10 Burkinabe students, who have participated training organized in their own
countries and also for joint periods for all students in Benin and in Burkina Faso.
The programme is shown below (in French):
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